We are often asked why we have named our gin Papillon. I will divulge the reasons behind the name. Papillon means butterfly in French and we donate 1% from every bottle of our gin towards a local Butterfly Conservation Project called ‘All the Moor Butterflies’ which protects these species; Marsh, Heath, Pearl Bordered and High Brown Fritillaries, and the Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth.
The project aims to save the most threatened butterfly and moth species in the South West. Working in partnership with landowners to support them in conserving these endangered species, the project engages with communities to show them the wonder of their local wildlife.
If you would like to know more about the project then visit their website https://butterfly-conservation.org/our-work/conservation-projects/england/all-the-moor-butterflies
The fresh Dartmoor spring water that we use to make our gin comes from a nearby hill farm. This water springs from beneath a granite tor and heathland where it is possible to see Pearl Bordered Fritillaries. They drink from the very same water that we put in our gin!
One of the food plants for the Pearl Bordered Fritillaries is the wild violet. We have our own Devon Violets grown for us (we don’t want to deprive the butterflies) to use as a botanical in our gin. Devon has a history in growing violets and we sourced ours from the Devon Violet Nursery. Our violets are grown and tended to by a friend in one of her fields on Dartmoor.
You may be familiar with the book and film ‘Papillon’? If you are then you will understand the connection as this is our escape.